Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sloppy Seconds, "The Candy Man"

Stand-and deliver Wonkavision. Queers peers quiver but don't back down: Destroyed is all this good. Unashamed, incorrigible sugar punk from the Indy City. Hungerectomy.

"The Candy Man"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

BRUNCH: Ampere

The state of the union, 1977–1993 passim, recalibrated, emulsified. Fire-breathing, and thus respectful, updates to a sinewy canon — dilated and routed through crossover, linking Gravity in a non-nonlinear way to established sources. Archaeologists they, and interpreters: cultural memory in the present.

"Bit Part in a Bad Movie"
"Money Stinks"
"Conspiring the Go-Go"
"The Regulator"
"Mr. Suit"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

La Piovra, "Contintasca"

Fly-by-night thrash mob cut deep: "La rivoluzione non sarĂ  in un doppio vinile ne in chat ne su Heartattack." Breathless execution, unsparing snarl, brilliant economy. Smart Cops carry it on, but delicately: you break it, you buy it.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dir Yassin, "Spectacle"

Refusenik crust for the ages. Emo-violence flourishes drop by elsewhere, but this one is less dynamic: bass heroics progress, mixing their labor with blast beats that are tight but never rigid. Single-minded fury, really: screaming at a wall.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Poole, "Oregon"

Trans World pep pop stays the course. Dexterous bass harmonics balance hyperlinear high end; intermodal approaches tout transit and telecom ca. 1995; yes.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flin Flon, "Colgate"

Robotic balladry triangulates, medicates Teenbeat neuroses. Mark Robinson gets some rest, finally, and somehow — one night only — represses all the syncopated thistles that gird the Flin Flon oeuvre. Like its namesake, barren — horizontal but oddly intimate.
